John F. Lubke | Ridgeway

Q. Tell us about your operation.
A: I raise some non-GMO conventional corn and soybeans and also have some organic production.

Q. What water quality practices have you used on your farm?
A. cover crops, no till, grassed waterways, contour strip cropping, rotations, terraces, CRP.

Q. Why did you voluntarily adopt these practices?
A. I do not like to see soil erosion or excess water runoff. I have seen better soil tilth and less soil erosion by using cover crops. I do some no till on conventional acres and think that works better when using a cover crop. I think if farmers do not step up to the plate and adopt some of these practices, there will be mandatory regulations imposed.

Q. What, if any, assistance did you receive to incorporate these practices (financial as well as technical)?
A. I have received both technical and financial assistance on grassed waterways and terraces. I have received financial assistance on some cover crops.

Q. What is your philosophy as it relates to farming and the environment?
A. My conservation ethic stems from my dad and I try to farm environmentally friendly.