Main Street Reconstruction Project in Elkhart

The City of Elkhart installed permeable pavers in parking areas along Main Street, highlighting how a small town can do projects that make a big impact on stormwater quality.  This practice will reduce the nutrient and sediment loading by infiltrating and treating the urban runoff in town before it outlets to the South Skunk River.  Along with capturing pollutants, these stormwater best management practices will reduce peak flow in receiving channels, helping to limit severe bank erosion.  This project was made possible by collective funding from the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship’s Water Quality Initiative Fund, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources’ State Revolving Fund Sponsored Projects, and the Iowa Economic Development Authority’s Community Development Block Grant.


The City partnered with the Elkhart Community Betterment Committee, the Polk Soil & Water Conservation District, and the Iowa Rural Water Association to install permeable pavers in parking stalls and driveways at the two-block reconstruction of Main Street in downtown Elkhart. Chad Sands, City Administrator for Elkhart, stated, "The new permeable pavers really make the street stand out. They look great, and even more importantly, they work wonderfully. We've had a lot of rain in July and the pavers are doing exactly what they're supposed to do!"

The City of Elkhart’s Main Street Reconstruction project received an American Public Works Association – Iowa Chapter Project of the Year Award at their fall conference on Thursday, September 30, 2021. You can read more about this award at

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